Breed Standard 1953
AKC Chihuahua Standard, Revised 1953 Head- a well rounded apple dome skull, with or without molera, cheek and jaws lean. Nose- moderately short, slightly pointed (self-colored, in blond type or black). In moles, blues and chocolate,
they are self colored. In blond types, pink nose permissible. Ears- Large, held erect when alert, but flaring at the side at about an angle of 45 degrees when in repose. This gives breadth between the ears. Eyes- Full, but not protruding,
balanced, set well apart dark, dark, ruby or luminous. (Light eyes in blond types permissible.) Teeth- level. Neck and shoulders- slightly arched, gracefully sloping into lean shoulders, may be smooth in the very short types, or with
ruff about neck preferred. Shoulders- lean, sloping into a slightly broadening support above straight forelegs that are well set under, giving a free play at the elbows. Shoulders should be well up, giving balance and soundness, sloping
into a level back. (Never down or low). This gives a chestiness, and strength of the forequarters, yet not of the “bulldog” chest, plenty of brisket. Back and body- level back slightly longer than in height. Shorter back desired in
males. Ribs rounded (but not too much “barrel-shaped”). Hindquarters- muscular with hocks well apart, neither out nor in, well let down with firm, sturdy action. Tail- moderately long, carried cycle either up or out, or in a loop over
the back, with tip just touching the back. Never tucked under. Hair on the tail in harmony with the coat of the body, but preferred furry. Feet- Small, with toes well split up, but not spread, pads cushion, with fine pasterns. (Neither
the hair nor the cat foot.) A dainty small foot with nails moderately long. Coat- in the smooth coats, the coat should be a soft texture close and glossy. (Heavier coats with undercoats permissible.) Coats placed well over the body
with ruff on the neck, and more scanty on the head and ears. Coat- in the long coats the coat should be a soft texture, either flat or slightly curly, with undercoat preferred. Ears fringed (heavily fringed ears may be tipped slightly,
never down), feathering on the feet and legs. Large ruff on the neck desired and preferred. Tail full, and long (as in a plume). Color- any color solid, marked or splashed. Weight- two to six pounds, but two to four is preferred. If
two dogs are equally good in type, the more diminutive is preferred. General appearances- a graceful, alert, swift moving little dog with saucy expression. Compact, and with terrier like qualities. Disqualifications- cropped tail,
broken down or cropped ears. On long coats; two thin coat that resembles bareness. Copyright American Kennel Club.
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