Breed Standard 1933

Official Standard of the Chihuahua As Adopted by the Chihuahua Club of America (as published in Ida H. Garret’s book, “The Chihuahua” published in 1933)

HEAD – Well rounded “Apple Dome,” cheeks and jaws lean, teeth level. Nose moderately short and black. In chocolate, coffee, seal brown and mole, self colored.

EARS – Large and thin. “Rose” or “Tulip”, pointed, held erect, placed well back, flaring slightly to the side.

EYES – Round and full, set well apart, black, dark, red or luminous.

NECK – Clean, not throaty, slightly arched, gracefully sloping into shoulders.

SHOULDERS – Sloping, lean, neither too narrow nor too broad.

CHEST – Neither narrow nor borad, with good depth of brisket.

BACK – Level, gracefully sloping over hips to the tail.

FORELEGS – Straight, well placed under, fine pasterns, free play at elbows, but not turned out, not leggy and not short, holding the shoulders well up, giving balance and soundness to forequarters.

FEET – Very small, neither “Hare” nor “Cat.” Toes well split up but not spread, pads well cushioned.

NAILS – Moderately long.

HINDQUARTERS – Muscular, hocks well apart, not out not in, well let down, giving firm and strudy action.

TAIL – Moderately long, upper portion meaty and break or kink is felt midway or near end, below which tail finishes to a “rat” end carried sickle or loop fashioned. Born bob-tails are common and not disqualifying.

COAT – Smooth fine (glossy in dark shades), well placed over body and neck, more scanty on head and ears. Long haired acceptable and compete in class wity the smooths.

COLOR – All shades of fawn, gold, red or sand, most popular – cream, blue, white, black, silver, mole, chocolate and many shades of brown, marked or solid preferred to broken or ticked.

WEIGHT – Two to six pounds. The more diminutive, the more desirable.

GENERAL APPEARANCE – A graceful, alert, swift-moving little dog with saucy expression, compact and tiny with terrier qualities.

DISQUALIFICATIONS – Broken or cropped ears or cropped tail.



Round Apple Domed with molera. Ears, large, held erect, slightly flaring to side. Eyes, large, luminous, black preferred. Nose short, moderately pointed, black Preferred. Pink in light colors or self colored.


Compact, short coupled but slender, well-ribbed, tucked up in loins. Deep chested. Terrier-like


Moderately long, curled or carried sickle shape


Slender, well-sinewed, feet small and dainty. Nails strong, moderately long.


Short, soft and smooth – long on long haired.


Two to six pounds


Any, preferably solid or marked.


An alert, compact, terrier-like, little dog

TOTAL: 100

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